Greetings, Effurryone.
We are heartbroken to announce that Grandpaw, Mummy's Daddy, crossed his Rainbow Bridge on Thursday evening. He was 95 human years old, and had been in failing health for the past year and a half, so it was not unexpected. But, as Mummy says, one always thinks that somehow, there will be a bit more time and when time runs out, it's still a shock.
Mummy was actually speaking to him on the phone a mere quarter of an hour before it happened, when he was getting ready for bed, and she wished him a good night's sleep and pleasant dreams. Step-Grandma and Mummy's sister, Auntie N. were with him when God called him to the Rainbow Bridge, so he wasn't alone at the end, which is a comfort to Us.
Mummy last visited with him the day before, on Wednesday evening, and She took this picture of him with Our Woofie Uncle, Messi.
Now that Grandpaw has crossed his Rainbow Bridge, he is young and healthy again, and reunited with so many Loved Ones who went before, including Mummy's own Mummy, and Grandpaw's own parents, and his brother and sisters. But We who are left behind cannot help grieving. Indeed, Step-Grandma says Messi has refused to leave his place beside Grandpaw's armchair, even though he usually used to sleep on the carpet next to her side of the bed.
So, although Mummy doesn't really feel up to blog hopping this weekend, We are going to let Uncle Messi and Grandpaw repurresent Us in the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the wonderful Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet. We also made several artifications of the picture for the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie. We used Art Effects from LunaPic, as we usually do - avoiding the Sadness filter because We thought the picture was quite sad enough without that. Instead, out of half a dozen different art effects, We chose these three:
That was the Scribble art effect.
The next one is the somewhat similar Sketch2 effect at 85%:
And finally, the rather more colourful Beauty effect - because Grandpaw was a Beautiful Purrson, with a huge and loving heart - about whom Mummy has written in her own blog in the past, and about whom she will most likely be writing again in the coming days.
And here are the blog hop badges:

We know you will understand if We don't manage to visit much during this coming week, but be sure that We love you all.