Hallo there, Effurrybuddies!
The clocks went back last night, so We know Autumn is really and truly here. Plus, there was some actual rain last week (not in Jerusalem - at least, if there was, it must have been while We were asleep - but in Other Parts of the Country). And Mummy has even taken down the duvet from the top cupboard.
We don't really care what season it is, but Autumn always makes Mummy a little sad, so We try to cheer her up as best We can, with snuggles and kitty kisses and Being Super Cute.
In fact, you can see how Super Cute I, Shimshi, the Master of the Queen's Mischiefs etc. etc. have been all week, when you see the photos I have chosen (out of dozens of pawssibilities) for this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the divinely Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the adorable Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
Mummy made Me take loads of shots till I got completely fed up and refused to pose any more:
And, to be quite honest, the more photos there are, the harder it gets to choose!
But We finally settled on this one for My Sunday Selfie, because Mummy liked the play of light and shadow on my furs and whiskers - and I have to admit, I agree with her. Besides which, it does look kind of spooky, don't you think?
For Our Caturday Art, We pay full tribute to Halloween, although it isn't really "a thing" here in Israel. We chose another amazing shot of Me, reclining on My Princely Cushion, planning Mischiefs, and We gave it an overlay of the Quirky Art Effect at 50%, some Halloween effects and a nice frame - all courtesy of LunaPic. Et voilà, as they say!
Now, We must fulfil the promise We made a couple of weeks ago to keep you all updated about the various intruder outside kitties We have been reporting on.
Furrst of all, Milo, whom StepGrandma has been feeding.
StepGrandma contacted the shelter from which she got Uncle Messi and they came and collected Milo, who is now being looked after in a nice comfy pension until a forever home can be found for him. The people who run it sent StepGrandma this picture of Milo, after he got settled in:
We hope - in fact, We are certain - it won't be long before he is Gotcha'ed!
Now the story with CalliCallou is a bit more complicated. She hasn't been hanging around as much as before, and when she does, Melba is not far behind. The neighbour (the one who was sure Melba was female, when Mummy thought s/he was male) says Melba recently gave birth to kittens and that she saw the kittens. Mummy hasn't yet seen any kittens. Mummy thinks now that CalliCallou is older than she originally thought and that she may be Melba's Mother. So now Mummy is convinced that if CalliCallou is spending less time on Our Porch, it is because she is babysitting her grandkittens. Melba seems to need CalliCallou to look after her, and Mummy worries what will happen to Melba and her (hypothetical) kittens if She adopts CalliCallou and makes her an Indoors Only Kitty.
It is a bit of Conundrum!!!
Now, it is time to put up the blog hop badges:

Happy Halloween!
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.