Hallo again, Effurryone!
As is so often the case, this week's post is a mixture of Happy and Sad.
We shall start with the Sad - and pay Our Respects to Dad Pete from the Tom Cat Commentary By Timmy blog. Dad Pete was sadly taken from his furbabies a few days ago, and called to the Rainbow Bridge. Yes, Humans do go there too - and when they receive their Angel Wings, they are re-united at last with their furbabies and all their family who went before. So We are certain Angels Timmy, Buddy Budd and Mr Buttons came running to greet him, with angel kitty kisses and gentle headbutts.
We send our deepest condolences to the kitties who were left behind, Miss Fitz, Rumpy, Toby and Einstein and to Dad Pete's human family and friends. Gentle pawpats and healing purrs to you all.
It seems hard to go from that to the joy of Hanukkah, which starts this evening. I, Caspurr, have been dreaming a lot about Hanukkah these past few days - thinking about all the lovely potato latkes and sufganiyot which Mummy is going to be eating (and, hopefully, sharing with Us). That is why I am licking my lips in this picture, Our Entry in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, which is hosted by the deliciously Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
We took this picture and turned it into a Hanukkah greetings card for the Caturday Art Blog Hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum.
How? Well, as We so often do, We popped over to LunaPic, where We added some Hanukkah symbols (the menorah and a dreidel), and some text. We filtered the whole through the Stained Glass filter at 35% and then added a frame.
And here is the result:
Before We forget, here are the blog hop badges:

Be well. Be safe. We love you all.
And last, but by no means least - Happy Hanukkah!