Hallo again, Effurrybody!
Are you all ready to celebrate Miaowlloween tonight?
I, Queen Trixie, Furrst of My Name, Empurress of Jerusalem, Israel and the Entire Middle East, Queen of Hearts, Guardian of the Boudoir, Alpha Kitty Extraordinaire, certainly am!
Oh, yes, I almost forgot to mention, it is My Turn to lead my fursibs, the J-Cats, on the weekend blog hops - the Caturday Art Blog Hop, hosted by the Wise and Beauteous Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the Deliciously Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
Here are the blog hop badges:

I have noticed that Black Cats figure purrominently in Halloween Art - so I don't even need to dress up for My Sunday Selfie today! All I need to do is be Myself!
Admittedly, you can't see my terrifying Fangs in this picture, but you all know they're there, don't you? And you can't escape my Hypnotic Eyes...
However, I did need a little help with My Caturday Art, so Mummy and I popped over to LunaPic, and fiddled about a bit with the Night art effect, whch We set at 50%:
That spookified My Eyes rather nicely, I think. And then, we used some of their Clipart as an overlay, although We have forgotten the degree of transparency. Though it was probably rather more transparent than any Pawlitician or Government Office anywhere in the world, Mummy says (mol)...
As We have mentioned before, here in Israel, Miaowlloween is not generally celebrated, but since so many of Our Furriends all around the World seem to enjoy it, We have decided to have a Pawty up in the Enchanted Forest tonight, from 10pm Israel time, till sunrise - to which you are all invited.
Which reminds me - last night, We put the clocks back one hour (at least, that was Mummy's excuse for being late with Our Breakfast!!!) and We are now back on Winter Time. Sure enough, right on schedule, this morning, for the furrst time this autumn (in Jerusalem, at least), there was Sky Water. But don't worry. The Enchanted Forest is called that for a Furry Good Reason, and even if it pours with rain tonight (which it is not expected to do), the Enchanted Forest will remain sheltered and dry.
My Brofurs, Caspurr and Shimshi, helped Me to plan the pawty. Here they are, deep in confurrence about the catering, in this beautiful picture especially created for Us by Our Dear Friend Ann, from Zoolatry:
Isn't it pawsome? Thank you so much, Ms. Ann - and June! We hope to see you at the pawty tonight in the Enchanted Forest, Junie!
And now to other mews. Last week, We mentioned Mummy's latest project with her Caterwauling Club. Well, We can now tell you that on Thursday, Mummy and her friends took part in a jazz concert, to launch the latest single by a brass band called Las Piratas Piratas. Of course, She couldn't film them herself and she is waiting to receive videoclips from people who attended the concert, in the hope of being able to combine them into something that can be embedded in her own bloggie, later this week (she usually posts on Thursday). In the meantime, here is a link to a short videoclip taken at the rehearsal last Sunday. Photo Credit to Noam Kuzar and Jerusalemite.TV.
And now, it is time for Us to start blog-hopping, and after that, to have a nice, long Nap before the Pawty. Before We go, We would like to remind you once more that the Evil Coronavirus has not yet been defeated, so it is still impawtant to take all possible precautions to purr-tect your Humans and yourselves.
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.