Hallo there, Effurrybuddies!
Shimshi here - The Little Purrince, Captain of the Guard and, more impawtantly, Master of the Queen's Mischiefs.
What do you think of My Sunday Selfie? Is it mesmerising? Is it scary? Does it make you feel as if My Eyes are following you, wherever you go?
It is supposed to be Our Entry for the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, which is hosted by the Wonderful Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet - only they don't seem to have posted this Sunday. We hope nothing is wrong!
We will post their badge, anyway, and link up later if they do post after all.
We were actually finding it hard to decide whether to use this pawtrait, or another, even SCARIER one Mummy took of Me the other day:

Mummy says this one makes me look like a real Cat out of Hell (mol). I do look furry scary, don't I?
So We artified it on LunaPic, using the Flames effect, which We overlaid with the Gauguin effect at 50%, to make it look even scarier. This is the result:
And here is their badge:
Now for Our Other News. The numbers of COVID-infected are skyrocketing once more, and the numbers of seriously ill are also climbing - although not at the same rate. Israel is back in full Green Pass mode, which means the Humans can't really go anywhere (like shopping malls, or concerts or Mewseums etc.) or do anything without a Certificate of Vaccination or a Certificate of Recovery (from the Evil Coronavirus) or proof of having taken a COVID test within the past 72 hours and had a negative result. And workplaces have been ordered to have no more than 50% of their staff in at any one time. And they are saying there will probably be a lockdown over the High Holy Days (just like last year). In other words, We seem to be back to Square 1. The government is trying to put the blame on the million or so Israelis who could have got vaccinated but didn't do so. But the statistics show that most of the new cases are people who have been vaccinated.
And now for the GOOD news! Mummy is in transports over Israeli rhythmic gymnast Linoy Ashram's Gold Medal win in the Individual All-Round contest, and the Gold Medal win by Artistic Gymnast Artem Dolgopyat in the Floor Exercise, as well as our two Bronze Medals in Judo.
Next week sees the start of the Cat-O-Lympics. My brofur Caspurr and I are hoping to take home Gold Medals in the Synchronised Sleep Technique competition, while Trixie, who coached Us, will be competing in the Counter-to-Cupboard High Jump event, in which she is a favourite to be on the winner's podium.
We will leave you now and expect to see you next week at the Cat-O-Lympics, either as fellow Competitors, or as Spectators. Till then, you and your Humans should continue to observe any regulations which might still be in place in Your Neck of the Woods - Social Distancing, Face Masks, and most impawtant of all, frequent Paw Washing!
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.