Hallo again, Effurrybuddies!
It's Me again, the Mighty Shimshi, with greetings from Jerusalem, Israel.
As many of you will already know, there is no Sunday Selfies Blog Hop today, because Sawyer of the Kitties Blue, who host the Sunday Selfies blog hop, together with their HuMom, Janet, has gone missing and his HuMom is much too worried to be hosting a blog hop. We're furry afraid Sawyer might have had another seizure when there was no-one around to look after him. Please, effurryone, put your paws together and purray for his well-being and safe return to his family.
And that's not the end of the Bad News. This meowning, We were absolutely GUTTED to read that Our Dear Furriend, Timmy Tomcat, flew away to the Rainbow Bridge on Furriday, leaving his family heartbroken - as are we all.
Fly free, Angel Timmy. We will meet again one day.
Grandpaw is back home (after a second spell in the hospital) but not healing as fast as he should after his surgery, due to Unexpected Complications. So please purray for him too.
And then there is the Evil Coronavirus, which We all thought hoped We had seen the last of, but it's back, so it seems, in a new form - the Indian Variant, aka the Delta Variant. So now, once more, We have to wear face-masks in closed public spaces and on public transport - and Mummy is hoping and praying it won't affect her Caterwauling Club's concert next week. Step-Grandma (My Godmother) is furry suspicious about the timing of this new outbreak, coming, as it does, when we are left with a million vaccine doses on our hands, whose expiry date is a month away, and wonders how we suddenly jumped from less than 10 new cases a day, to more than 200! This couldn't all be due to a few hours last week when there were problems in the testing of incoming travellers at Ben Gurion Airport.
All of a sudden, they are urging parents to vaccinate children aged from 12 to 15.
Mummy doesn't know whom to believe any more.
This week, We are taking part in one blog hop only - the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie. Here is their badge:
We artified My Sunday Selfies photo with three different filters from LunaPic. Furrst of all, We used Picasso at 55%. We overlaid that with Paper Folding at 60% and topped it all off with Edtaonisi at 30%. We framed the final result with one of LunaPic's elegant frames and voilà!
BTW - if you look carefully, you can see in the background, in the top left corner, the washing machine, which has been on its last legs for a couple of weeks and today, all but expired. So now Mummy will have to buy a new one. More bad news. It never rains but it paws...
Since the Evil Coronavirus is back, We cannot stress too strongly the impawtance of observing all the rules Some of Us thought were no longer necessary. Wear face-masks, purractice Social Distancing and above all - KEEP WASHING THOSE PAWS!
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.
And now, let's blog hop!