Hallo there, Effurrybody!
Have you noticed how Humans seem to have no sense of Timing and are always calling Us to come and take Selfies at the most inconvenient meowments?
For example, I was awaiting a furry impawtant telephone call when Mummy burst onto the scene and demanded begged that I repurresent the J-Cats in this week's Caturday Art Blog Hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the lovely Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
No, I was NOT anxiously awaiting a call from a Mancat! As if!!! I, Trixie, Queen of Hearts, am at no Mancat's beck and call!
If you must know, I was waiting for the pet supply shop to call back with news if they had what I wanted Mummy to buy.
This picture is Our Entry in this week's Sunday Selfies Blog Hop - and here is their badge:

We artified it with a Halloween theme from PhotoFunia, for the Caturday Art Blog Hop, whose badge we present below:
Halloween is not celebrated here in Israel, but since Our own High Holy Days and festivals are now over, and We have nothing until Hanukkah, in two months time, We'll take what We can get (mol).
So, what do you think? Spooky Black Cat surrounded by Pumpkins. Not bad, huh?
We are still in almost full lockdown here, but there are hopes for a partial easing of restrictions next Sunday. In any case, many Humans are openly defying the regulations - which We think is furry foolish of them. Not Mummy, though. As usual, She is being a Goody Two-Shoes Law-Abiding Citizen and sticking to the Letter of the Law.
We need you all to understand that the regulations are for Your Own Good. We don't want you getting sick and unable to care for Us. Besides which, We sort of love you. I know, We don't always say it, but if this Pandemic has taught Us one thing, it is that you can neffur be sure your Loved Ones will be here tomorrow and if you wait to tell them you care - it may be Too Late.
So remember, Effurryone - remember to stick to the rules and regulations. They are there to keep you safe from the Evil Chinese Coronavirus. Make sure your Humans do so too. Remind them, if they must go out, to wear their facemasks, keep to Social Distancing guidelines, and always - but always - wash their paws.
And now, Shavua Tov - have a Good Week. And let's BLOG HOP.