Greetings, Anipals!
We're a bit late posting this week, due to being without internet for a couple of days, and We have missed the deadline for the Caturday Art blog hop, but We still have one more day to take part in the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
As today is the eighth anniversary of the day Possum the MagnifiCat received his Angel Wings, instead of posting a selfie of one of Us, We are going to post some pictures of Possum. This isn't by any means a Guest Selfie, because Possum and his sisfur, Angel Pixie, were the Founders of this Bloggie and this will always be his Home.
Possum sent Us a message from the Rainbow Bridge, telling Us which were his favourite pictures out of the many We had to choose from. Each of them tells a story, of course - so let's start.
Furrst of all, here is a picture of Possum when he was quite a young kitten (Mummy doesn't remember exactly how old he was when this was taken) - he had already made it quite clear that, young as he was, he was the boss and the bed belonged to him.
After all, a kitty spends much of his or her time napping and the existence - or lack - of a cosy, comfortable spot for that all-impawtant activity is a pawsible Dealbreaker when it comes to choosing one's Residence, is it not?
At all events, Possum seems to have been furry satisfied with his choice:
One of Possum's idiosyncrasies (Goodness! What a BIG word - mol) was the way he used to sit on the the armchair, with all four paws dangling down on each side of the armrest:
You can only see one leg here - but you get the general idea, don't you?
Like Caspurr, Possum absolutely loved having his tummy rubbed. Many a time, he would jump on the sofa next to Mummy, roll over on his back with his legs in the air, and demand his due. And Mummy could neffur resist:
Finally, here is a picture of Angel Possum displaying the extraordinary floofiness of the tail for which he was justly famous, and which earned him the name "The MagnifiCat". A more magnificent tail it would be hard to imagine!
This latter is the picture which will repurresent the J-Cats in the aforementioned Sunday Selfies blog hop, whose badge is herein displayed:
We love it when Mummy tells Us about Possum and Pixie and Minxie, the kitties who came before and We are proud to be the Guardians of their Legacy. We hope that this post will bring fond meowmories to those of you who knew Angel Possum - and will be of interest also to those of you who did not have that purrivilege.
Now, before We go, We want to remind you once again to make sure your Humans continue to stay safe, wear their masks, keep socially distancing and above all (this is to you too, kitties!) - WASH YOUR PAWS FURREQUENTLY.
Okay - it's time to blog hop!