Last week was furry Hot.
This week is going to be Even Hotter!
Mummy has the shutters rolled down to keep the room cool. Purrsonally, I think it wouldn't hurt to have the Air Conditioning on, but it's rather noisy. Besides which, Mummy read something about how people who sit directly under A/C units are more likely to catch the Evil Chinese Virus because the droplets are blowing about in the air. Other people have said that's nonsense. Mummy says She doesn't know what to believe any more and it's better to be safe than sorry. And Grandpaw says that in any case, it's not healthy to sit directly under the A/C and Mummy agrees because one can end up with a pain in the neck and shoulders that way. Anyway, if Mummy opens the big window at one end of the living room, and the window at the far end also, we can catch a nice breeze because We are quite high up, facing a valley.
Here is their badge:

You can no doubt tell, from my furry intense expression, how hard I am working to concoct some really Spectacular New Mischief.

We went to LunaPic for assistance with Our Art this week, and since there are so many beautiful Art Effects there and We found it difficult to decide, We opted for a Collage Art effect, comprised of (clockwise from top left) Picasso, Tuscany, Nouveau and Psychedelic - the whole, surrounded by the

Now, I believe I can hear Mummy calling Us for lunch (and if She isn't, She ought to be!) so I must be off. I will try to visit as many of you as pawsible later in the day - and if I don't manage, then later in the week. Meanwhile, take care of yourselves and your Humans, purrtect them from the Evil Virus which still stalks the streets and Be Well.