Sunday, June 21, 2020

Memories of Minxie: Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies

Hallo again, Effurrybuddies!

Today, We are devoting Our post to Mummy's furry furrst kitty, Angel Minxie - the Queen of Cats. We should, by rights, have written about her last week, because she was born on (or about) June 15th 1980, and flew away to the Rainbow Bridge on June 12th 1995, just three days before what would have been her 15th birthday - only Mummy was a bit distracted by all the bad things happening in the World, and especially, by the surge in new cases of the Horrible Coronavirus here in Israel.

Minxie, as you can see, was a beautiful tabby kitty, with the most loving nature you can imagine. She and Mummy had absolute trust in each other and she would often go to sleep on Mummy's chest or tummy, safe in the knowledge that Mummy would purr-tect her and make sure that no harm would effur come to her. And Mummy did purr-tect her, until an Evil Cancer attacked Minxie, and although Mummy did all She could and spared no expense, She could not save Her Baby.

In this picture, you can see Minxie with Arabella Dolly, and with Felix, who are still with Us.  Sometimes, they whisper to Us and tell Us stories about Minxie.  

We decided to honour Minxie's Memory by making her the Star of this week's Sunday Selfies,  and it is she, the Furrst of the J-Cats, who will represent Us in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop hosted by Our Dear Furriends, the Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.  Here is their Badge:

As usual, We are also taking part in the Caturday Art Blog Hop, hosted by the Wise and Lovely Athena, and her HuMum, Marie.  

Here is their Badge:  

We used the Stained Glass effect from LunaPic, at 60%, to artify Minxie's picture - and here she is, in all her glowing Glory:

Other News:

Before We get distracted,  We wanted to mention that this meowning, there was a paw-tial Eclipse of the Sun visible here in Israel (although, of course, We couldn't look at it because you should neffur look directly at the Sun, and certainly not when it is in Eclipse. Mummy says it can blind you). We think it got eclipsed because it was tired out after the Solstice yesterday. Maybe it had been celebrating too much (mol).

Last, but certainly not least, We want to wish you all Shavua Tov (a Good Week) and to remind you, whatever the state of the Pandemic in your neck of the woods, to stay safe and to look after your Humans.

Pawpats and kitty kisses to you all.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The New Normal - Shimshi's Caturday Art and Sunday Selfie

Hallo again, Effurrybuddies!

Shavua Tov (a Good Week) to you all. Things are furry slowly getting back to "normal". Well, not quite the way they used to be, but sort of. For example, Mummy is going to venture out to her Caterwauling Club this evening - although instead of all the members meeting together twice a week, as in the past, for the next few weeks they are going to meet in smaller groups, once a week, so effurryone gets their turn.  Mummy's group of about nine (including the conductor) will be meeting tonight, in the courtyard of the synagogue where they usually hold rehearsals. It is now pur-mitted to meet indoors, but they decided to play safe and remain outdoors, as long as the weather allows them to do so.

Today, it is once again My Turn to star in the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie - as well as in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop hosted by the darling Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet! (We take things strictly in turn here, at the J-Cats' hangout.)

This is a picture of Me, exercising after my post-prandial nap:

I like this one furry much and I have chosen it for the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, so here is their badge:

Mummy and I then popped over to LunaPic, where Mummy helped Me artify it, using the Picasso Effect and on top of that, Beauty (at 70%).  Mummy wanted to use the Sadness Effect at furrst, but We thought that there is already far too much sadness in the World (you all know what We mean, so no more about that now). We decided, instead, to add a little Beauty.

And here is the final result:

As I said, this one is for the Caturday Art Blog Hop and here is their badge:

And now, all that is left for Me to do is to wish you all Shavua Tov once more.

Stay safe, be well - and make sure your Humans remember to observe all the Rules!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

What Next? - Caspurr's Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies

Hallo again, Effurryone and Shavua Tov (a Good Week)!

It looks like that "Second Wave" the Humans were talking about, might have hit the shore!  160 new cases of the Evil Coronavirus over the last 24 hours!
Not Good!  Where will it all end?

Mummy didn't go to her Caterwauling Lesson last week, after all. Her teacher gave her a lesson via the Zoomie app instead. Which means that We had to listen to her caterwauling away got to hear her singing...

A lot of schools decided, on their own initiative,  to close and/or return to "Teaching from a Distance", without waiting for an official directive from the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Education.  Talk about closing the stable door after the horse has bolted! If the schools had enforced the Social Distancing rules within their walls, We might not be in this new mess!

Well, there is nothing We Felines can do about it, so We shall purr-ceed to matters at hand - to wit, the weekend bloggie hops: the Caturday Art bloggie hop, hosted by the lovely and wise Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies bloggie hop, hosted by the sweet Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

Mummy tricked Me into taking this selfie, when I had just woken up from a nice snooze on the sofa next to her. If you look carefully, you can see her foot just inside the left-hand frame:

And here is the Sunday Selfies badge:

We artified My Selfie, using a frame and the Illusion effect from LunaPic - et voilà!  (That's Furr-ench, you know. I learnt it from Trixie, who is always showing off by using Furr-ench words. She thinks it makes her look so-phisticated.)

I think it makes me look a bit like a ginger kitty, doesn't it? 
Anyway, here is Athena's Caturday Art badgie:

And now, it's time for Us to hop those bloggies, while Mummy has a siesta, which is really the best only thing to do when it's 31 degrees C (87.8F) outside.

As for you, dear furr-iends - stay home, stay safe, stay well (and make sure your Humans do too).