Sunday, December 29, 2019

Ending the Year With a Sunday Selfie

Hallo again, Effurrybody!

Queen Trixie here, with the Final Sunday Selfie of 2019.

In this picture, I was enjoying a sunpuddle, and lazily beckoning to My Petcretary and Purrsonal Assistant (a.k.a. Mummy) to bring Me some Treats.
At least, I think that's what I was doing. I can't really remember. I think I was half asleep.

Meanwhile, the boys had found themselves another sunpuddle in the Boudoir. 

We were furry glad that Mr. Sun had decided to come back and visit Us, after several days of almost continuous skywater, which had made it impossible for Mummy to go down and feed the homeless kitties (for which She suffered terrible Guilt Pangs). There were even thunder boomies, which made Us hurry to snuggle up close with Mummy under the coverlet to purrtect her from the storm.

We are joining the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

Before We start hopping, We wish those of you who celebrate it one final "Happy Hanukkah" (tonight, We lit the eighth and final candle). We also wish you Shavua Tov (a Good Week). And since today is also Rosh Chodesh (the furrst day of the Hebrew month of Tevet), We also want to wish you Chodesh Tov (a Good Month).

And last, but not least, as the civil year is now ending and We are saying Goodbye to 2019 and Welcome to 2020, We wish you all a Happy Mew Year!

And now, let's get hopping (mol).

Furrst, We put up the badge:

And off We go!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Happy Hanukkah, Meowy Chrissymouse, and Remembering Pixie

Greetings, Effurrybody!

Shavua Tov (a Good Week) to all of you!

We have a LOT to get through today! Furrst of all, tonight we light the furrst candle of Hanukkah - and that means the Humans will be scoffing loads of sufganiyot (doughnuts) and levivot or latkes (potato pancakes), all dripping with oil, which they won't share with Us, because all that oil and fried food is Bad for Felines. We hope Mummy will make it up to Us with extra Fancy Feast (mol)! Come to think of it - Fancy Feast latkes sounds like a purrty good idea, don't you think?

On Monday December 23rd, it will be eight years since Precious Princess Pixie received her angel wings.  That was on Hanukkah also. If We go by the Hebrew calendar, it will actually be the day after, but We will, in any case, be thinking about sweet Pixie all through Hanukkah. Mummy always sees her beautiful face in the flickering flames of the Hanukkah lights. That's like - one candle for each year since Pixie flew away to the Rainbow Bridge.  And then Mummy tells Us stories about Pixie and Possum, who created this Blog, so that We are mindful of Our Heritage.

Then, on Tuesday evening, it is Chrissymouse Eve, when many of you will be expecting a visit from Santa Claws. We hope he will bring you lots of nice purresents.

Today, of course, being Sunday, is the day when Our Furriends Dezi and RaenaBelle from Deziz World, celebrate each week with their Blest Sunday post, and effurry Chrissymouse, they send a Blessing Train all around the World.

This year, We, too,  are taking part and We have added Our Own Boxcar to the Train. 

Here is Our Boxcar. It has pictures of the three of Us, Trixie, Caspurr and Shimshi - and also a Hanukkah Menorah, to symbolise joy and light, and yellow roses to symbolise furriendship. We think Love and Furriendship are two of the Greatest Blessings imaginable and We are furever grateful that We have been blessed with a warm and comfortable Home, a Mummy to love Us - and all of You as furriends.

Mummy worked furry hard on this boxcar and since it includes selfies of the three of Us, We think it is an appropriate entry in both the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the wise and beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and  the Sunday Selfies blog hop hosted by the wonderful Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.



Since We are taking part in more than one blog hop today, We are posting their badges and giving links to them all, and at the bottom of the page, We will post the lists, one after the other.

Now all that remains is for Us to wish all of Our furriends and their Humans, Happy Hanukkah, Meowy Chrissymouse, a Joyous Kwanzaa (We hope We haven't left anybuddies out!) and may the Great Cat in the Sky bless each and effurry one of you.

Chag Sameach  -  HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Caturday Art from Jerusalem

Greetings, Effurryone!

Here We are again, Trixie, Caspurr and Shimshi , wishing you Shavua Tov (a Good Week) from Our Palace in Jerusalem. 

Mummy is feeling royally pissed off a trifle peeved, because She spent an hour and a half on one of those websites that supposedly allow you to do free photo editing, making a collage of all the homeless kitties and woofies that She saw on holiday in Greece this summer, as She purromised to do - only to discover that She can't save or share her creation unless she pays for an upgrade. So much for so-called freebies.

So instead, you will have to be satisfied with a picture of Us, which she artified using her favourite LunaPic. This was originally a picture of Shimshi and Me (Caspurr), enjoying a sunpuddle. She added Trixie, using GIMP, which is like PhotoShop, but free. Mummy doesn't use it furry often, because She says it is complicated and not at all User-Furriendly.

After adding Trixie, Mummy used two effects from LunaPic, Lake (at 73%) and Water, to create this picture:

Then, just for the fun of it, She also tried this 3D effect:

We aren't too sure about this one. It's true We like boxes - what Kitty doesn't - but We prefurr one each! 

What do you think?

At any rate, We think both are good enough to repurresent Us in the Caturday Art blog hop hosted by the Beautiful and Wise Athena and her HuMum, Marie. We hope you agree!

Before We go, We wanted to answer a question We were asked last month, after posting a Guest Selfie of Our Uncle Messi, the Woofie. Some of you were wondering what breed he is. Well, he appears to be a Canaan Dog - a breed which has been around for thousands of years and which was, according to tradition, the guard-dog and herd-dog of the ancient Israelites.

And now it is time to go blog-hopping!

So, here is the badge:

And off We go...

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Sunday Selfies - Whatever Lola Wants...

Hallo again, Effurrybuddies!

Shavua Tov (a Good Week) to you all!

Once again, We have invited one of Our Extended Furrmily Members to repurresent Us in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet. 

The Star of today's Guest Selfie is Lola Bunny, who is our sort-of second cousin, as her Mummy is Our Mummy's youngest niece, Romy.  (Mummy says that makes her Our cousin-once-removed.)  We have shown you pictures of Lola before, remember?

Anyway, since Mummy was at Auntie Yuli's home the other day, celebrating Romy's 13th birthday, and taking pictures of all the family including Lola, We thought We would offur Lola the oppurrtunity to be the Star of the Sunday Selfies this week - especially as We couldn't agree which one of Us kitties should represent the furmilly (mol).

Mummy took this picture of Lola, but it came out rather dark, so She edited it to make it lighter.

But you still can't see Lola furry clearly, so Mummy thought  We might add this video-clip, in which you can see Lola Bunny nibbling at the contents of the newspaper rack.  As you can see, she is devouring the news (mol)!  Can you see her beautiful, soft, velvety ears?

That's it for now, kitties (and woofies, bunnies, hamsters and all Our Other Anipals). See you next week.  It's time to blog hop.

Furrst of all, here is the badge:

And away We go!