Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sunny Fun-Filled Caturday Art

Hallo again, Effurrybuddies!

Here We all are again, at the end of a fairly warm, sunny week. We had lots of sun-puddles to enjoy and We even played nicely together in Our Tunnel - which made Mummy furry happy, so She took this picture:

In fact, seeing Us playing nicely together made Mummy so happy, She decided to turn the picture into Our entry for this week's Caturday Art Blog Hop, hosted by the Beautiful and Wise Athena and her HuMum, Marie.

As She often does, Mummy chose LunaPic and started off with the Stained Glass effect, at 52%. Then, she added the Lomo filter - and Lo and Behold!
Here is the result - with which We are furry pleased:

We think that it is furry purrty and colourful, don't you?

Now, before setting off to join the Blog Hop, We want to wish you, as usual, Shavua Tov (a Good Week).

Next, We shall put up Athena's blog hop badge:

And off We go:

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Guest Selfie from Uncle Messi

Hallo there, Effurryone!

In tribute to last week's international "friendly" match between the football teams of Argentina and Uruguay, which took place here in Israel, our entry in this week's Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue and their HuMum, Janet,  will be a guest selfie from Our Uncle, Messi the Woofie, who, you may recall, was named after Messi the Argentinian football star.

Do you remember how thin and scared Uncle Messi was, when he was furrst gotcha-ed by Grampaw and Step-Grandma?

Well, he isn't scared and he certainly isn't thin anymore!

In fact, Step-Grandma says Messi is overweight.  She has put him on a diet and takes him for long walks effurry day, but he clearly isn't playing enough football (mol).

OUR Mummy says Shimshi is also overweight - but putting him on a diet didn't help, he just goes and eats effurryone else's noms. Caspurr has developed the habit of gobbling down his noms really quickly, to make sure nothing is left by the time Shimshi has finished his own noms and is ready to scoff effurrything else. And I mean effurrything! You see, the trouble is, when Caspurr gobbles his food - especially furrst thing in the morning - it often makes him sick and so he horks it all up again, even before it's been properly digested.  Shimshi seems to think this is like a Mama Birdie who feeds her regurgitated food to her babies - and he eats what Caspurr has horked up.  EEEEW!!! 

Mummy is going to have to feed Us all separately.

Now, before We join the blog hop, We just want to wish you all Shavua Tov (a Good Week).

OK, here is the blog hop badge:

And it's time to go:

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Trixie the International Star's Caturday Art Post

Hallo, Effurrybody!

Furrst of all, I want to thank all of you who came to My Gotcha Day Pawty on Tuesday. It made me furry happy to know I have so many dear furriends!

Now, as it is Caturday today, We (meaning ME) are taking part in the Caturday Art blog hop hosted by the beautiful and wise Athena and her HuMum, Marie.

Mummy isn't feeling too well this evening, so this is going to be a furry short post. I shall just explain that We made today's artistic masterpiece using the Piccadilly Circus Billboard effect from PhotoFunia and leave it at that. 

Piccadilly Circus is a spot right in the heart of London, England - where Mummy grew up. Millions of people pass through there effurry day - and now they will all see My Picture and I shall be Famous even more Famous than I already am (mol).

Before We go, as usual, We want to wish you all Shavua Tov (a Good Week).

Furrst of all, here is the blog hop badge:

And now, off We go!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Caspurr's Sunpuddle Sunday Selfie

Hallo there, Effurryone!

Once again, it is time to join the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue and their HuMum, Janet.  This week it is My Turn - Me, or rather I, being Caspurr the Courageous, Furrst of My Name, King of the Tigger-Tabbies and Commander-in-Chief of the Impurrial Forces.

Before I show you the pawtrait I have selected, I want to remind you all that this Tuesday, November 12th, is Trixie's 7th Gotcha Day, which - as usual - We will be celebrating with a huge picnic up in the Enchanted Forest, overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem, at 4 pm Israel time, the day after tomorrow. That will enable all Our Guests (and We furry much hope you will be amongst them) to enjoy the beautiful sunset. I should explain that We are enjoying an Indian Summer, with daytime temperatures in the mid-twenties Celsius, and that even at night, it won't be dropping below 15 or 16 degrees C. This is expected to last until the weekend at least.

Having said that, you will understand why Mummy felt the need, while watching TV, to roll down the blinds, thus drastically reducing the size of my sunpuddle!  The afternoon sun was streaming in the big, panoramic living-room window, which faces south-west and getting in her eyes and shining directly on the TV screen. Still, I had enough for my modest needs and at least I didn't have to share it with either of my fursibs, who had taken up pawsitions in the guest room and the boudoir, both of which face south. Their sunpuddles might have been bigger, but I still had the best of the bargain, because I had Mummy right beside Me, ready to dispense chin scritches and tummy rubs whenever I felt the urge to climb into her lap.

That's right, my furriends!  I can be quite a lap dancer when I choose (mol)!
But not in this picture. In this picture, I am enjoying My Sunpuddle, comfortably ensconced on My Magical Flying Carpet.

Oh! That reminds Me - on Tuesday, all three of Us will bring Our Magic Carpets to the Enchanted Forest and We will be offering free rides to all Our Furriends!

So remember - Save the Date!

As usual, before We join the Blog Hop, We want to wish you all Shavua Tov (A Good Week).

And now, at last, it is time to hop.

Furrst of all, here is the badge:

And off We go!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Shimshi's Snoozy Saturday Caturday Art

Hallo, Effurrybuddies!

It's Me again - The Mighty Shimshon (Shimshi for short) a.k.a. The Little Purrince, Captain of the Guard and Master of the Queen's Mischiefs!

Well, Mummy seems to have decided that Winter Is Here. The daytime temperatures are still in the lower twenties Celsius, but it's quite chilly at night now so Mummy has taken out the eiderdown (it doesn't really have any birdie feathers in it) and flannel sheets  (brushed cotton actually, but they call it flannel here), and since the clocks went back, it's dark by about 5:30 p.m. already so it is starting to feel like Winter.

Today is Caturday, so that means We get to take part in the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by the Beautiful and Wise Athena and her HuMum, Marie!

Mummy chose a beautiful pawtrait of Me and She played around for ages with all sorts of different effects, from various photo editing sites, before finally coming back to Our Favourite, LunaPic - only she is so scatterbrained, She forgot to note which effect she chose! Isn't She a Silly Mummy?

We are hoping that somebody who uses LunaPic regularly might recognise it, and if you do, please let Us know in the comments.

And now, without further ado - here it is. I mean, here I am:

Before We go, We would like, as usual, to wish you Shavua Tov (a Good Week) and for those of you in the UK - stay indoors and keep safe on Guy Fawkes Night.  Those horrible boomies are best observed at a distance, through double-glazed and soundproofed windows!

Okay! Time to blog hop!
First, the Badge:

And off We go: