It is I, Sir Caspurr the Courageous, King of the Tigger-Tabbies, Commander-in-Chief of the Impurrial Forces, here to wish you all a Happy Mew Year on behalf of my fursibs and myself (and Our Human).
This is the last Sunday of 2018 and it has fallen to My Lot to star in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by Janet and the Kitties Blue from the Cat on My Head blog.
I must say, I do think, don't you, that My Human might have given Me a little bit of warning, before snapping away, rather than so rudely awakening Me from my Nap. After all, a chap likes to have time to smooth his furs and preen himself, before presenting himself to the world, wouldn't you agree?
Nevertheless, if anyone can emerge straight from under the duvet, after a lengthy Snooze, still looking trim and mancatly, it is undoubtedly Yours Truly. Now, before We say goodbye to 2018, and HALLO to 2019 - Our Human thought you might like to see the concert in which her Caterwauling Club pawticipated on Chrissymouse Eve. So here it is. The furrst three songs (from about 9 minutes to about 21 minutes) are sung by Her caterwauling friends, and then at about 1:30:00, they join the other caterwauling clubs for the Grand Finale.
It is Moi, Queen Trixie, Empurress of Jerusalem, Israel and the Entire Middle East, Guardian of the Boudoir, Alpha Kitty Extraordinaire, and it is once again My Turn to star in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop hosted by Janet and the Kitties Blue.
Being Mewish, as you know, We don't actually celebrate Chrissymouse, but as effurryone else seems to be doing so, I was feeling a bit left out, so I decided to sacrifice My Impurrial Dignity and make a concession by at least wearing a Santa Claws hat.
And if anyone dares to make fun of Me, there will be more Claws than Santa, believe you Me!
While We were at the LunaPic site, shopping for My New Hat, My Human suggested We check out the special Chrissymouse effects. I found some of them quite amewsing, and after I allowed Mummy to turn Me into a Chrissymouse tree decoration, She suggested We make a belated contribution to the Caturday Art blog hop hosted by Athena and her HuMum, Marie. What do you think of it?
Right, now for the tricky part. We need to link to two different blog hops. I do so hope Mummy is up to it. She isn't exactly a techie (mol).
Since Caturday comes before Sunday, furrst of all, here is the link to the Caturday Art blog hop. Right after it is the linky to the Sunday Selfies blog hop. We couldn't, for the life of Us, manage to write anything between the two links. We hope you won't get confused. But it doesn't really matter. They are all lovely pictures. So - enjoy!
Last week was a furry sad week (as Mummy wrote in her own bloggie), so We tried to cheer her up a little by playing nicely together for a change, and taking a rare selfie of the three of Us together.
It is just the teeniest bit out of focus, We admit - but it's so rare that We share a Selfie, let alone a sofa, without fighting, that We thought Mummy (and YOU) would overlook the effur so slight blurriness. You will, won't you?
Anyway, We are going to submit this Shared Selfie as Our Entry in the Sunday Selfies blog hop hosted by Janet and the Kitties Blue, from The Cat On My Head blog.
Here is their badge.
This is going to be a furry short blog, as Mummy is too lazy busy today to purr-form her petcretarial duties. She has to go and purr-actice her caterwauling because She and her Caterwauling Club friends are appearing in a concert next week on Chrissymouse Eve.
Before We go, We want to wish you all Shavoua Tov (A Good Week). May it be much, much better than Last Week... So on with the Blog Hop:
Hallo, Effurrybody! Many of you will no doubt remember Princess PixieCato aka Pixie, who came before Us and who flew away to the Rainbow Bridge on December 23, 2011.
Since Mummy and We are Mewish, it seemed to Us fitting to commemorate the Hebrew date of her receiving her Angel Wings. This would have been three days ago, on Wednesday, when We lit the fourth Hanukkah candle - but We thought it would be nice to wait until today, and to honour Pixie by featuring her in our contribution to Athena's Caturday Art blog hop.
Mummy's beloved Pixie succumbed to kidney disease at the age of sixteen and a half - but in this picture, she was just seven years old, in the peak of health and at the height of her Beauty. Mummy used LunaPic to blend Pixie's picture with a Menorah which She found on a clipart site, as it was at Hanukkah that Pixie had to leave for the Bridge and because this evening, We light the seventh Hanukkah candle.
Then, She chose the Floating Art effect and added a picture frame border.
Of course, no picture could really do her justice, but We think this gives you a good idea - and We think that Pixie herself would have liked the artwork.
Mummy misses Pixie - and Pixie's brofur Possum - furry much, and her eyes still get leaky when She thinks about them, but She knows that both of them are watching over her from the Rainbow Bridge and that She will see them again one day.
Now, before We wish you all Shavoua Tov (A Good Week) and go to light the Hanukkah candles, here is the link to the blog hop. First, Athena's logo:
Hallo, Effurrybuddies! It is MY turn today, to star in the Caturday Art blog hop hosted by Athena.
Who am I, do I hear you ask? Well, hard as it is for Me to believe that there could be anyone out there who does not recognise Me, even in this artified portrait, just in case you have been living on Alpha Centauri for the last zillion years - know that I am the Mighty Shimshon (Shimshi for short) aka the Little Purrince, Captain of the Impurrial Guard and Master of the Queen's Mischiefs.
Mummy actually prepurred this picture a while back, in the summer, and She can't remember exactly what She used to edit it with. She thinks it might have been the Paper Artist app on her smartphone, but on the other hand, it might also have been something She found on LunaPic or one of the other online photo editing websites. Purrhaps some of you recognise the style and can enlighten Us...
Anyway, We see that a lot of you are prepurring for Chrissymouse, even though that is weeks and weeks away. Well, We are prepurring for Hanukkah, which starts tomorrow night. We shall purrobably be furry busy and might not have time to visit effurrybody this coming week BUT - We are going to have a Hanukkah pawty at 6 pm Israel Time next Caturday evening, when We light the SEVENTH Hanukkah candle. As it is a bit chilly outside, even in the Enchanted Forest, We are going to have the pawty indoors this time, in Our Humble Abode, so you need to reset the coordinates on your Tunnels, or other Teleporting Devices, and We will see you this time next Caturday night. Of course, that does not mean you aren't welcome to visit any time this week and if you should happen to drop in at candle-lighting time, you can be sure of a warm welcome with catnip latkes, sufganiyot, and other goodies (mol).
Now, it is time to wish you all Shavoua Tov (a good week), as well as a Happy Hanukkah, before We join the blog hop.