Saturday, November 24, 2018

Caturday Art With Caspurr

Hallo, Effurryone!

We find We quite like this artsy fartsy thingy, and as they say, purr-actice makes purr-fect, so We are once again joining in the Caturday Art blog hop hosted by Athena.

So here is a picture of Me, Sir Caspurr the Courageous, King of the Tigger Tabbies and Commander-in-Chief of the Impurrial Forces.

In this portrait, I am admiring my reflection in a beautiful lake. My Human helped me create this Masterpiece using LunaPic's Water filter and Reflecting Water animation effect. The animation part doesn't seem to work, no doubt because Mummy also resized the picture, using PicResize. But I think it still looks furry nice, don't you?
In addition, We used a Picture Frame border from LunaPic, which gives it a nice, elegant finish.

Before We go live, and link to the Blog Hop, We want to wish you all 
Shavoua Tov - a Good Week.

Now, let's make sure We follow all the rules propurrly. We have already added the link to Athena's bloggie. And here is her logo:  

And here, finally,  is the link to the Blog Hop (isn't this fun?)

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Caturday Art

Hallo, Effurrybody!

We don't usually post on Caturday, because of the Sabbath. But since Shabbat ends so early during the winter months, there is still plenty of Caturday left, even though Shabbat is already over and so We are going to take the oppurrtunity to purrticipate, for the furry furrst time, in the Caturday Art blog hop hosted by Athena and her Human, Marie.

We still need to remind ourself how to do this, step-by-step.

First, here is Athena's Caturday Art logo:

Caturday Art

And here is Our Artistic Creation! This is Moi, Queen Trixie, the Black Panfur, Empurress of Jerusalem, Israel and the Entire Middle East, Guardian of the Boudoir, Alpha-Kitty Extraordinaire!

In this picture, I am curled up trying to sleep but keeping an eye on Mummy and her Flashy Box. Can you see my beautiful, sharp white Fangs?

For this picture, Mummy, who is new to these online photo-editing thingies, used the LunaPic Beauty Tool and added a Picture Frame border. Quite simple really, as We are just beginners at this kind of photo editing.

We hope you like it. I certainly enjoyed getting to try out all kinds of filters and so on, before choosing this one.

Before We post the link to the Blog Hop, We wanted to wish you all Shavoua Tov - A Good Week.

And also, one other thing. We know a lot of you enjoyed reading about Flat Moo's Visit and all the places she went to see in Jerusalem, and We thought that you and your Humans might enjoy seeing some other places in Israel which Mummy sometimes writes about in her own, purrsonal blog. So here is a link to Mummy's blog.

And now, here are all the purrticipants in the Blog Hop:

Monday, November 5, 2018

Meet the Community Cats

Hallo again, Effurrybody!

We purromised, a while back, to keep you updated about the feral kitties Mummy feeds effurry evening and to introduce you to some more of them.
Mummy gives them all names now, you remember - although sometimes, She isn't quite sure which is which, because She only sees most of them after dark, when She goes down to feed them. 

There are a couple, however, who come bounding up to Mummy whenever She leaves the house, so Mummy knows them purrty well.

This is one of them. Mummy calls her Callie and She is a sweet, friendly little kitty girl.

This sweet boy, who comes rushing up the moment Mummy sets foot outside the house, and who often seems more interested in Mummy's company than in the food She brings, is called Mishmish (Hebrew for "apricot"). You can purrobably guess why (mol).

Mummy's other pictures didn't turn out so well, so She'll try and take some more this evening - if it isn't raining. It isn't easy to handle a camera when you are trying to hold an umbrella as well as a box full of kitty food. Last night, Mummy went down to feed the Homeless Kitties earlier than usual - which is just as well, because later on, it started pouring and there were thunder boomies all night long.  And now, We are in for three days of rain, Mummy says. 

We hate the thought of all the poor, homeless kitties being out in the rain and cold without shelter. Mummy checked all along Our Street and She says there are several places all along the street where the kitties can find at least some shelter, like covered garages and basements. But sometimes, kitties curl up under the engine covers of cars, to keep warm - which is furry dangerous for them. Please remember, before you start up your car, to check that no kitty has taken shelter there.

And those of you who live in the UK and are celebrating Guy Fawkes Night - please make sure there are no kitties or other anipals around when you set off your fireworks this evening and that all pets are safely indoors. In fact - it would be better not to set off any fireworks at all. Animals are terrified by them.  

That's all for now, kitties. Mummy isn't feeling well and wants to go and take a nap.

Be well and be safe.

Trixie, Caspurr and Shimshi