Queen Trixie here - Empurress of Jerusalem, Israel and the Entire Middle East, Guardian of the Boudoir, Alpha Kitty Extraordinaire etc. etc. etc.
Today, it is MY turn to blog, and to update you all on Flat Moo's visit. Moo, as you remember, is Joanie's Travelling Cow from 15 and Meowing and she has come to visit Us as part of her World Tour. We have so much to show her - and all of you - so let's get started.
One of the furrst places We took Moo, was the Israel Mewseum - a favourite of Ours. It was a furry hot day, and scarcely had We arrived when We encountered this sweet little kitty, who was plainly furry thirsty and waiting for some kind human to press the button which turns on the tap.
Fortunately, Mummy was with Us (We brought her along as Official Photographer) and She obliged with alacrity, while doing her best to photograph the kitty with her free hand - no easy task, you can be sure.
Anyway, that kitty - who told Us her name was Cleopatra - effur so kindly offered to show Us around the Mewseum. We were happy to accept. Cleopatra, who was born in the Mewseum grounds and has lived there all her life, was an extremely knowledgeable and infurrmative guide and gave Us an extensive tour.
We all agreed that one of the most interesting parts of the Mewseum was the Shrine of the Book, where the Dead Sea Scrolls are kept - and where Moo insisted that she must, simply must, have her photo taken.

If you were wondering about the shape of the building, Cleopatra told Us that it symbolises the lids of the ancient pottery jars in which the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.
After we had seen all we wanted of the Mewseum, Cleopatra suggested that Moo might like to visit the Knesset, Israel's Parliament, which was just across the road. We all thought this was a Good Idea - but, unfortunately, when We got there, the guards said that entry was restricted to Humans and guide dogs! Such chutzpah! Cleopatra said not to worry. She knew of a gap in the fence a few hundred metres down the road where We could sneak in.
Alas! Although the gap was the purrfect size for kitties, there was no way a cow was going to get through. So We were obliged to give up the idea and make do with the view from outside.
By that time, We were all furry hungry. Cleopatra had to leave Us, as she had an urgent meeting of the Mewseum Cats Committee to attend and We decided that after a morning spent at the Mewseum, looking at Furry Old Things, it was time to show Moo some of the more modern things in town. So off We went to the Mamilla Mall (Alrov Avenue), where there are lots and lots of coffee shops and restaurants and there are always people ready to share a bite of their meal with a hungry kitty. Of course, they were rather surprised to see a cow as well, but when We explained what Moo was doing here and about her world tour, they were furry kind and welcoming.
After We had eaten, the Mancats decided to take a nap and Moo and I decided to have a look at the shops. Mamilla is a furry up-market open air shopping mall and we girls enjoyed effurry minute of our afternoon out.
One of the nicest things about the Mall is the changing sculpture exhibits all along the avenue. When Moo saw this one, We both realised at once that the one thing missing was a cow. So Moo stepped in and now, I think the picture is just purrfect - don't you?

Of course, Moo herself was attracting quite a bit of attention and a lot of people wanted to take her picture.

By now, it was getting rather late and the heat was making both of Us quite sleepy. So we collected the Mancats and We all came home to have supper and a nap, and to plan the next day's adventures.
About which - more to follow...