Hallo, Effurrybuddies! It is I, the Mighty Shimshon (Shimshi for short), aka The Little Purrince, Captain of the Guard and Master of the Queen's Mischiefs.
How are you all? I hope those of you who celebrate Easter, are enjoying your holiday, and that those of you who celebrate Pessach are all ready to celebrate the seventh day of the festival tomorrow and that your Humans brought you amazing and delightful kitty bags from the Seder feast.
And now, for yet ANOTHER reason to celebrate! Tomorrow, April 17th, is My Birthday! I, the Mighty Shimshon, will be Three Years Old tomorrow.
Can you believe that just three years ago, I was a tiny little kitten whose kitty mama had rejected him and for whom the future looked furry bleak, until Step-Grandma found Me and rescued Me and brought me to my Human Mummy? Can you believe this tiny, miserable-looking creature with more than a passing resemblance to a Mousie, was Me?
Well, look at Me now, Anipals!
Anyway, as you all know, We neffur let a Reason for a Pawty slip by unnoticed and tomorrow, We will be having the Most Glorious Celebration - to which, it goes without saying, you are all invited - at 5 pm Israel time, in my beautiful fur-ever home. It also goes without saying that there will be oodles of beteavon-bons (what you call "noms"), plenty of niptinis, micecream, catmint juleps, toys, games - well, you all know how We like to pawty here, don't you?
So We will be expecting to see all Our Furriends tomorrow.
Caspurr here - the King of the Tigger-Tabbies. I have something furry impawtant to say.
I want to remind you all that tomorrow, April 11th, is my 4th Gotcha Day.
Here is a picture of Me, when I was first gotcha-ed.
Wasn't I adorable? Mummy fell in love with Me at once. And I knew, right from the start, that We were made for each other!
I know my anipals would neffur fur-get, but your Humans might be so busy with pre-purrations for Pesach (which starts tonight), that it may (unlikely as that seems) have slipped their minds. Why, Mummy scarcely remembered herownbirthday the day before yesterday! (I can't think why! How can you fur-get something you've been celebrating for about a zillion years?)
To get back to the impawtant subject of My Gotcha Day, We are going to celebrate that tonight, at the Seder feast and of course, you are all invited to celebrate with Us. Oh, that reminds me! We have had quite an argument on the question of whether it is purr-missible to use catnip for Karpuss!
We have consulted a Kitty Rabbi and it seems there are contradictory opinions on that subject. We are going to be using it, of course, but if you belong to a commewnity which does not allow it, We will quite understand. More for Us (mol). But We will, of course, provide alternatives, such as grass.
Now, We must have a nice long nap before the Seder/Pawty.
Greetings, My Loyal Subjects! It is I, Queen Trixie, here again. I know you have all been eagerly awaiting the next episode in the continuing saga of Mummy's hopeless War with Us over the Sanctity of the Trash-can, and I am sorry to say it has not been going well (for Us, that is). A few days after We posted Our Last Update on this Impawtant Matter, Mummy called in her Jack-of-all-Trades Handyman and they put their heads together to plot Our Undoing!
You would have thought Mummy had quite enough to do, what with her Bible Field Trip, and her concert last Saturday evening with her Caterwauling Club, not to mention her own Mewsical Recital the week before, but no! She still found time to plot against Us and spoil all our Fun.
The Handyman, whose name, by the way, is Arye (meaning "Lion") said We were a Gang of Criminals! Imagine that, kitties! You would expect more Sympathy from someone named after one of the Great Cats, wouldn't you? Anyway, he was here for a couple of hours and, although We were shut away in the Bedroom, We could hear him hammering away and working on the door to the cupboard under the sink where the Safe Trash-can is kept. When he had gone, Mummy let Us out and We saw that all the sticky tape and the chairs in front of the kitchen unit had been removed. So We thought to Ourselves: "Aha! Mummy has given up!"
We waited furry patiently for the next time Mummy went out, and We were extra specially good and angelic, so that She wouldn't suspect that We had not given up.
Look! See how good We were! We even snuggled up and snoozed together, knowing how happy that would make her, so that She would be thinking about that all the time She was out, instead of imagining We were up to any Mischief!
Of course, that all ended as soon as She left the house. Before you could say "Catnip", We were gathered around the door of the cupboard in front of the sink, and Caspurr (being the strongest) went to work. He lay down on his back in front of the cupboard door and tugged and tugged away - to no avail. Shimshi pulled at the bottom drawer but, although he managed to get it open, the cupboard door remained closed.
I was not about to try, and risk breaking one of my beautiful long claws. If Caspurr and Shimshi couldn't get the door open with their combined efforts, I could not possibly be expected to do so. Like Remington Steele, I function best in an advisory capacity (mol).
When Mummy came home, She saw that the cupboard was still shut and She even opened it, to make sure We had not been at the Trash-can and closed the door afterwards, to fool her. And that's when We saw what She had done! Kitties! Arye had put magnets at the bottom of the door! Not furry big magnets, it is true, and I think - no, I am pawsitive - that if that had been all, given time, We would have managed to deal with them. But that was not all, kitties! Arye had also fixed a kind of twisty screw at the top of the door, to hold it shut. It's quite stiff and not so easy to turn, even for Mummy with her Opposable Thumbs. Obviously We haven't a Chance!
So there you have it, Anipals. We are having to admit Defeat - for the time being, at least. We are going to have to find somewhere else to break into, as some of Our Furriends have suggested.
I do seem to remember Mummy bragging to telling Step-Grandma how her furry furrst kitty, Minxie, who now lives at the Bridge, used to open the refrigerator door. Hmmmm. I wonder.....