It's Me, the Mighty Shimshon (aka Shimshi) this time.
Mummy has the Sads today, because today is the fourth annifurrsary of the day Precious Possum left her and flew away to the Rainbow Bridge.
As you know, We always commemorate the passing of the Kitties who came before Us - besides which, Possum and I, Shimshi, share something furry special - Our Godmother. Step-Grandma found and brought both of Us to Mummy, so even though he and I neffur met (at least, not in this life), We are Kindred Spirits! Plus, I have pink paw pads like Possum's (well, mine are mostly pink, anyway. There's a little bit of grey also, to match my fur).
But Trixie and Caspurr each have something special which they share with Possum, also.
Mummy says that Caspurr was specially chosen for her by Possum. They were both big kitties, and both love to roll on their backs with their legs in the air, and wait demonstratively for Mummy to come and snorgle their tummies.
And Trixie shares Possum's extraordinarily floofy tail.
So, you see, Angel Possum is part of All of Us - and even though he is no longer here on Earth, but frolicking in the Land of Everlasting Sunshine Beyond the Bridge, with Angel Pixie and Angel Minxie, Mummy knows that he will always be a part of Her too.