It is I, Caspurr the Tigger Tabby!
It has become horribly cold. As Trixie told you the week befurr last, the Good Weather couldn't last - and it didn't! Now, there are lots of grey clouds and it's dark and miserable. And there's lots and lots of skywater.
But Mummy says it will be good for her new Sick Lemons! Yes, Kitties! She bought lots more of them, all in different colours. And We are protecting them from the Birdies who would sit on them and squash them, if We were not there to scare them away.
Look, see! Here I am, protecting the Sick Lemons!
Besides the Sick Lemons, Mummy bought loads and loads of other plants for her window-boxes and for her own entrance porch - but she still hasn't fixed up a catio or a Whiffles-Balcony for Us, although at least She leaves the windows open and We can sit and enjoy the window-boxes and the fresh air whenever We want.
At present, however, We don't want, because of the cold and the skywater. We don't like No-vember. However, at least Mummy has decorated Our Room with some furry nice art work. She has hung copies of some famous pictures on the walls.
Would you like to see?
Trixie has studied Art and she says this style of painting is known as "Impurrsionism".
Shimshi says that if you biggify the top picture, you can see that the smaller of the two kitties looks a bit like him. I don't see it, do you? However, Shimshi is convinced that one of his furr-fathers was the model for this painting.
Speaking of the cheeky birdies who would damage or even EAT Mummy's window-box plants, the other day, a Pigeon mistook the bathroom window for a dovecot and flew inside. It's still not certain who was more alarmed, Mummy or the Pigeon! Anyway, it managed to find its way out again quickly enough, but now, Mummy's afraid to open the bathroom window more than a few centimetres.
We made Mummy effur so happy these past few weeks by playing together nicely (most of the time). We even curled up all three of Us on the bed and let her take our picture together.
She was so pleased with this picture that She decided to make it Our New Profile Picture.
We must go now, dear anipals and pester remind Mummy it's time for Lunch. Before We do so, We would like to wish those of you who celebrate it, a furry enjoyable and happy Thanksgiving!
Caspurr the Tigger Tabby, Trixie the Black Panfur and The Mighty Shimshon (Shimshi for short)